Monday, January 5, 2009


Today in covenant group we discussed changes in the past year as well as those who helped us make some positive changes. Part of that was figuring out if we had expressed our gratitude to those who had helped us. That was a tough question for me... there have been so many helpful people this past year who have brought about so much change in me and my life that I couldn't make the list out in the time allotted. Then I realized that I hadn't really thanked people. One of the group members brought up the idea of living a life that they would want you to live is one way to thank a person. Which is true. But still, it's nice to actually thank someone now and again.

So here's my challenge to myself, to write thank you notes to at least 5 people who really matter in my life who have really helped me out. Not just a simple 'thanks' or 'thank you' but a really heartfelt note written just for them.

I'll update on how that goes as I start doing it.

At times our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person. Each of us has a cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us.
~ Albert Schweitzer

From my calendar at work for January:
There is nothing better than the encouragement of a good friend.
~ Jean Jacques Rousseau

1 comment:

  1. I shall be expecting my card... ;)

    I think this is a great exercise! I can see great things growing from the seeds of gratitude you are sowing.
